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66 countries. 15,000+ activists. One month of actions for a common goal: a new frontier for climate justice.

From November 3 to December 12, 2023, we got together in more than 220 events on every continent, in big cities and on small islands. We built on each other’s strength, grief and support and used art to show that a world powered by fair renewable energy is not only possible: it is ours to make.

Our voice was loud and went far: from the streets worldwide to the corridors of power at the UN Climate talks in Dubai. We spotlighted the fossil fuels industry’s greed and reclaimed the money and power to fund a just and peaceful future powered by the sun, the wind and the people – everywhere.

350 Nassau Day One Drone

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Across the world, people are already leading the way towards a clean, just and peaceful world powered by the wind, the sun and the people – using solutions to the climate crisis as tools of resistance against fossil fuels and injustice. As we move ahead, we will keep echoing loud and clear the voices of the thousands of people who joined Power Up: it's time we break free from coal, oil and gas, and make polluters pay for the urgent transformation we need.

To world leaders:

100% Renewable Energy Now

We demand a 100% renewable energy system and a rapid end to coal, oil, and gas.

  • Ensure justice and fairness for all
  • Triple renewable energy by 2030
  • Protect nature and our environment
Renewable Energy South Asia

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While we build wind turbines and solar panels, we need to build community too. This is our chance to not only avoid climate chaos, but also tackle global injustices and inequality. Together, united and in solidarity, we are stronger!

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Power Up brought together people in all corners of the world, to show that a global renewable energy revolution is within our reach. Check our highlights and help spread the word!
